Respiratory Viral PCR (POCT)
As of Monday 11th November 2024 Point of Care Testing (POCT) for Respiratory Viruses will commence for the 2024-25 season at the RD&E & NDDH Hospitals beginning in Paediatrics/PAU.
PLEASE NOTE: This test/procedure is not currently included in the defined scope of the laboratory’s UKAS Accreditation, (ISO15189) schedule.
This test has passed internal laboratory verification and been reviewed clinically prior to being brought into use.
Nucleic acid amplification assay (PCR) tests for the detection of the following:
- SARS-CoV-2 (Covid)
- Influenza A (Flu)
- Influenza B (Seasonal Flu)
- Respiratory Syncitial Virus (RSV).
Point of Care Test (POCT) for the diagnosis of viral respiratory infection.
Nasopharyngeal swab
- Test sensitivity is dictated by the amount of virus on the swab and is therefore influenced by:
- (1) the timing of the test in relation to the symptoms and
- (2) the quality of the sample (operator-dependent).
- A result should be interpreted in light of the pre-test probability (severity of symptoms, their level of exposure, the disease in the contact); no test is 100% sensitive or specific.
Specimen container
Yellow topped Cobas swab
To Request On EPIC
For electronic requesting using EPIC (RDUH ONLY):
Search for: ‘POCT Genexpert FLU/RSV/COVID PCR‘ or test code ‘LAB97061‘
Click here for more detailed instructions
Special Instructions
- ONLY for use by trained staff in the POCT testing locations – you will need your own device login to use the analyser.
Click here for instructions on how to use the POCT analysers
POCT is currently LIVE in the following locations:
- RD&E – PAU, ED, AMU, Yarty
- NDDH – Paediatrics, ED
POCT is only for the use of patients in the above locations – all other areas should send their samples to Microbiology for testing – click here for details
Turnaround Time
Once loaded on the analyser the test takes 35-40min to run.
Cepheid GeneXpert
PLEASE NOTE: This test/procedure is not currently included in the defined scope of the laboratory’s UKAS Accreditation, (ISO15189) schedule.
This test has passed internal laboratory verification and been reviewed clinically prior to being brought into use.
Useful Links
For Patients:
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Testing – Lab Tests Online
Coronavirus (COVID-19) – NHS
Influenza (Flu) Tests – Lab Tests Online
Flu – NHS
RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) – Lab Tests Online
Specimen Labelling Procedure