All staff involved with blood components or products must complete their mandatory 2 yearly transfusion online training. Staff will find that they are “enrolled” on the training course for their role via ESR. The courses are called:
Safe Transfusion Practice 01 – for the registered general staff
Safe Transfusion Practice 04 – for the registered paediatric staff
185 Blood Collection (unregistered) – for those staff that only collect blood
To complete the course go to “my learning” on ESR, to find the course look under “certifications” tab near the top right hand of the screen, click the “play” button on the relevant course. Once you have completed the course you must click the “house icon” to ensure that your record is updated.
These staff must also undertake the RD&E observed one-off competency assessments appropriate to their role. Each clinical area has designated blood champions to perform these assessments.
Depending on your role, you will have different training requirements; you will be enrolled in the appropriate training modules on your ESR Learning page.
Click on the links below to view the competency assessment for administration and collection of blood for non-medical staff.
Competency for Transfusion Administration 2014
Blood Collection Competency 2014
Medical staff involved in blood transfusion must complete the 2 yearly on-line training via ESR. Doctors will find that they are enrolled on the training module if this is required.
Competency assessments in blood sample taking will normally be completed at Trust induction.
Anaethetists are the only doctors competency assessed to collect and/or administer blood. The Administration of Blood competency is normally completed at induction.
Queries about training or competency assessment
If you feel you have been enrolled incorrectly or need to arrange competency assessment, please contact your line manager or for medical staff please email
Agreed Blood Ordering Schedule for Surgery
Clinical Guidelines and Forms to Download
Cost of Blood Components & Products
Emergency Blood Management Plan
Emergency Blood Management Plan
General Practice & Transfusions in the Community
Adverse event and reaction investigation
Massive Haemorrhage Guidelines
Non-Medical Authorisation of Blood Products